Downloadable Jshae Capability Statement

Jeffrey Givens
CEO & Owner

Jeffrey Jack Givens is a Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP), graduate of The University of San Diego (USD) Business School, attendee of USD Master of Supply Chain Management Program and disabled U.S. Navy Veteran. He served overseas in the Seventh Fleet Navy Band (Asia) and in the Southwest United States (San Diego, CA); the best job in the Navy!


The music programs under public affairs, are also the only jobs that require the service members to know the skills and be tested with an audition prior to enlisting. This is special and elite. Jeffrey recently received the National Medal of Arts awarded by the President at the White House, November 21, 2019. A prestigious American honor. It is the highest honor given to artists by the United States Government.


Personally, he enjoys an active lifestyle and seeks tough challenges. He has completed the San Diego 100 mile run, 5 mile ocean swim (Tour de Buoys) and 5000 km Appalachian Trail Trek to mention a few challenges. He did this with a broken body and hopes to do more. His training and experiences have lead him to achieve extraordinary results even with a damaged, broken body.



Jeffrey is very passionate about supporting veterans that suffered like him. He wants to help veterans get to the core concern of their pain, so they can live better. He feels very strongly that he can add value in the supply chain by providing better products or alternative products that may have lasting affects and less side-effects. Strong, healthy veterans represent a strong healthy country, USA!

don stone

Don Stone
Chief Technology Officer

Don Stone is an experienced digital marketing professional with over 20 years of experience in high-production environments. He has a proven track record of delivering operational improvements, enhancing customer satisfaction, and increasing profits.


With a background in content marketing, SEO, social media management, and digital marketing, Don is skilled in resolving complex problems and delivering outstanding results.


In previous positions, Don used his knowledge and experience to design, manage, and market numerous online businesses in a range of industries and niches. Always learning, Don uses his time to advance his knowledge of the latest technologies that improve content, marketing, SEO, and social media marketing.